A Carnegie Library is any library built with money donated by businessman and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie. Between 1883 and 1929, 2,509 Carnegie libraries were being built, 1,689 of them were in the United States. Some are still being used as a library as is the Easton Area Public Library.
Andrew CarnegieBy 1900 most cities including Easton, were very eager to have a Free Public Library. This coincided with the rise of women groups, which were responsible for organizing efforts to establish free public libraries and in Easton’s case, the running of the Easton Library Association. The issue with the Easton Library Assn. was it was limited only to paying members, the Easton teachers, and pupils of the high school. The people of Easton were pleading for a free public library. A library that ALL people from ALL backgrounds could use. Quoting Wayne Wiegand, professor emeritus of library studies at Florida State University, “if you didn’t have a library, somehow you were not supporting culture.”
The first Easton library started in 1811 and named the Easton Library Company, followed by the Easton Library (when the Easton School took over) and finally the Easton Library Association, organized in 1896. Mrs. Ellen M. Baum was named librarian with Mrs. Nellie Frances Warfield, President of the Association. The library was open to the public with membership $2.00 for the first year, dues $1.00 each year after and free if you were a school teacher, pupil of the high school, member of the Board of Control, or stockholder of the old Easton Library Company. Their goal was to have enough members to eventually become a free library. As it had been in the years before, the library was closely associated with the Easton High School, serving as the school’s library as it was located just across the street. (the High School was then on North Second St. as was the library.)
Easton Library Company on North 2nd Street
A year later, the Association was not doing well as they had a notice in the paper stating that patrons were complaining that they rarely got a new book. The problem of having 600 readers and only the income to purchase 20 to 25 volumes a month, left very few books to circulate. Although there were 210 paying members, there were more than 400 teachers, pupils, Board of Control and life members that were paying nothing toward the purchase of new items. They had considered increasing the “funds” and hoping new members would sign up, mainly graduating students.
By January 1901, the men and women of Easton who were aiding the movement for a free public library decided to go to the Board of School Controllers and ask for a slight increase in the tax rate for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting a building. Mrs. Nellie Frances Warfield from the Library Association went before the School Board asking them to consider a new public library. She stated, “that from the very beginning the demand for books made by the High School pupils was far in excess of the supply. With South Easton recently being annexed to Easton, the demand was increased by nearly one hundred persons who were entitled to the free use of books. That a good library greatly adds to the efficiency of a school. She said that better and current reference books were needed for teachers as well as students, something the present management could not do.” Lastly, Mrs. Warfield stated, “ the need of a library as a permanent educational force in the community, perpetuating throughout life the work begun in the schools. Easton needed a library where every interest of this community can find the literature of its subject, and particularly the current literature to be found in magazines and periodicals. Not only a reference library is needed, but a free reading room is required most of all.”
February 1901 the School Board refused, mainly because of the cost.
After much discussion, a group of local clergy, were interested to see if Mr. Carnegie could help build this Free Public Library. Andrew Carnegie was already well known at this point and had already funded over 30 Free Public libraries worldwide. It was decided that Rev. H. H. Sangree, of St. Mark’s Reformed Church would write the letter to Mr. Carnegie, with Rev. F. S. Haines of the First Presbyterian Church and Rev. B. J. Davis of the Trinity Episcopal Church all signing it. They asked for $50,000 and Mr. Carnegie replied with a promise of that amount, provided the city would furnish the site and tax itself for support. see*1
The pleas for a new library came from many people. Rev. Davis preached to a large attendance at the Trinity Episcopal Church on the evening of February 17, 1901. The subject was “Shall Easton Accept Mr. Carnegie’s Gift of $50,000 for a Free Library?” This talk made the Easton Express newspaper on February 18, 1901. A “Taxpayer” wrote in to the Easton Express on February 1901, with the headline saying, “Backward or Forward? Will Easton stand still while Bethlehem and Allentown forge ahead with free libraries? Another signed, “A Citizen”, wrote in on February 1901, explaining that a free public library is for EVERYONE, explaining it was not just for the privileged.
The school board, on March 14, 1901, voted to turn down Carnegie’s offer, mainly because any appropriate site in downtown Easton would cost well over $20,000 and the board considered this out of the question.
After the rejection by the school board of the proposition made by Mr. Carnegie, Rev. Sangree was sent for by H. J. Steele, ( Mr. Steele was a lawyer, on the school board and also had positions on local banks) along with Dr. E. M. Green (physician and Pres. of the School Board), Fred R. Drake ( local businessman), E. J. Richards ( Bank President), and Dr. B. Rush Field (physician ) also present, they concluded to raise by subscription, a fund of $10,000 with which to purchase a library site. The funds were easily raised and once again they went before the school board on April 11, 1901 and this time they accepted the proposition. There were many opposed to the tax levy, still believing the Library was going to be only for the “rich”, but in the end, it was “Resolved, that a tax of one-half mill is hereby levied for the maintenance of such library on the valuation of the property assessed for school purposes in the district, which tax shall be collected with the school taxes of the district at the time of collecting the same.” This would come out to approximately $5,000 a year.
Various locations were suggested for the new library, including the lot at the corner of Fourth and Ferry Streets, but after looking at several sites, the Board concluded in June 1901, that none offered the advantages as of the old German Reformed burying grounds on Church Street, between Fifth and Sixth St. After negotiating with the First Reformed Church, the church decided to sell the property for $5,000. The remaining money that had been raised would be used to make the grounds ready for a building. The agreement made by the Board Committee and the First Reformed Church was that William Parsons would remain on the grounds and the only bodies that were to be removed were those found to be in places where the foundation walls of the library building were to be constructed.
The German Reformed Cemetery
They now had all requirements that Mr. Carnegie had asked for.
Not all were enamored with Carnegie and his gifts of libraries. In August of 1901, there was a movement among labor organizations of Easton to have the city reject the proposed offer of $50,000 made by Andrew Carnegie. The Central Labor Union adopted the following : “Resolved, That the 25 local unions affiliated with the Central Labor Union of Easton and vicinity, composed of a very large number of working men of Easton, do hereby protest against the building of a library in Easton from the money donated by Andrew Carnegie, and we consider the one half mill imposed upon our school taxes for the maintenance of the library as being unjust.” 3 The members of the labor unions said they were opposed to taking Carnegie’s money because he is a foe of labor. They also declared that if the library is built they would not visit it or permit the members of their families to do so.
In October 1901, bodies from the German Reformed Cemetery were being exhumed, followed by the grading of the property to prepare for the building. ****
On November 22, 1901, the Easton School Board’s Library Committee held a meeting and approved the plans presented by the New York firm of architects, Jardine, Kent & Jardine for the library building. “The structure is to be two stories in height, 90x70 feet. It is to be of Modern Renaissance style. On the first floor will be a fireproof vault ( the vault/safe still remains) in which to store books and documents of historic value, an auditorium with a seating capacity for 400 or 500 people, and several smaller rooms. The second story will contain a stock room large enough for the accommodation of 34,500 volumes, two large reading rooms, a large reference room and other apartments.”
Mr. James Bertram was Andrew Carnegie’s personal secretary and all correspondence between the school board committee and Carnegie’s secretary were through written or typed letters. See *2 In January 1902, the library committee wrote to Carnegie asking for an additional $10,000, stating that they had collected $6,000 with the tax levy instead of the $5,000 originally asked. The response back was a basic no, saying that they were already giving the full amount considering the size of Easton. A rebuttal was sent days later, explaining in detail why they thought $60,000 was now needed along with the promise of yearly $6,000 raised by taxes. Mr. Bertram wrote back twice stating empathically that a Resolution was required for the $6,000. Apparently, that did not come to be, as the amount given to build the library was $50,000. Along with that denial, modifications of the building was needed to meet the given amount.
On April 8, 1902, the library committee awarded Steinmetz
& Walter of Easton the building contract to erect the Carnegie Library.
Request for payments of $5,000 each, were sent to R. A. Franks, treasurer of the Carnegie Corporation. The first request was made on April 23, 1902, with following dates, September 23, 1902, December 9, 1902, February 5, 1903, April 2, 1903, May 1903, August 1903, October 29, 1903 asking for two payments as the building was near finished. (Available dates add up to $45,000)
On the evening of July 11, 1902, the Easton Library Trustees were chosen by the Easton School Board.
The following men were elected unanimously; H. J. Steele and E. J. Richards to serve until March 1905, Amos Turner and Dr. W. H McIhaney to serve until 1904, and Henry F. Marx and Fred R. Drake to serve until March 1903. These men through a resolution, would have the power to appoint all employees, purchase all books and adopt such rules and regulations for the government of the library as they saw fit, their actions however always being the subject to the approval of the School Board.
August 5, 1903, the Trustees of the Easton Library selected four young women to various positions. Miss Carrie Louise Fehr was elected cataloguer at $20.00 a month, and Miss Lydia A. Koehler, Miss Blanche E. Rhoads, and Miss Velma Agnes Smith as assistant librarians to be paid $15.00 a month. Henry F. Marx was already elected Director of the new free Public Library at an October 6, 1902 Library Board meeting. According to the original ledger of the library, he received $125.00 a month. Andrew J. Shaneberger*3 was elected janitor and his pay was fixed at $50.00 a month.
The first week the library was open, 500 library cards were taken out. The library was open every day of the week, including Sundays. The circulating department was open from 9-12 and 2-5. On Tuesdays and Saturday evenings, it was from 7-9 pm. “Any taxpayer of the city will be entitled to borrow books for home use upon signing the proper application and agreement, and any non-taxpayer may borrow books upon signing such application and agreement and furnishing satisfactory reference.”
THIS is what a FREE Public Library meant. A library for EVERYONE.
* Interesting notes
The Easton Power Co. offered the free service of installing the electric lighting connection through an underground cable. This was their contribution to the new library.
There was a Cornerstone put into the building on the southwest corner of the new building. The Marx Room has a list of what was put into this cornerstone. See *2
Cornerstone of Library
The same fall the library opened, the Traill Green School building was finished and ready for the new 1903 school year.
The label for the books of the library was designed by Kihn Bros. of New York City. 20,000 were ordered for the new books.
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As of February 1, 1904 it was stated in the ledger that there was at least 16,000 volumes in the library.
*1 Most of Carnegie’s libraries were being built using “the Carnegie formula”, which required financial commitments from the town or city that received the donation. Carnegie believed in public support rather than making endowments as this made sure the community was involved and taking part in the whole phase of the library and it being built. There were only six requirements that he asked for.
To demonstrate the need for a public library
Provide the building site
Pay the staff and maintain the library
Draw from public funds to run the library as to not use only private donations
Annually provide ten percent of the cost of the library’s construction to support its operation
To provide free service to all.
*2 The Marx Room houses all the correspondence and many details of the Carnegie building, including blueprints and more.
*3 Andrew Shaneberger was the father of Jane Moyer. Jane “grew up” in the library, becoming a librarian and eventually becoming the first woman Director of the Easton Area Public Library.
**** See story of First Reformed Cemetery
Short bios on the men and woman that helped bring the Easton Public Library to fruition.
Congressman H. J. Steele was born in Easton in 1860. He opened a law office in Easton and became the President of the Northampton County Bar Association and Vice President of the State Bar Association. He was Director of the First National Bank and President of the Northampton Trust Company. He served as Easton City Council for 3 terms and on the Easton School Board for 4 terms.
Fred Raymond Drake was a prominent citizen born in Easton in 1865. He headed the wholesale grocery house, Drake & Company. He was Librarian of the Shakespeare Society of New York. He served as Director and President to many local businesses and societies.
Elijah John Richards was born in Easton in 1860. He was president of the Northampton National Bank for 40 years.
Amos Turner resided in South Easton and was master mechanic for the Lehigh Valley Railroad. He was former chief burgess of the old borough of South Easton.
Nellie Frances Tilton Warfield was born at Ashland, MA and was the wife of former Lafayette College President, Dr. Ethelbert Warfield. She was very active in a number of organizations, one being the Easton Library Association.
Mr. Henry Forster Marx was born in Allentown in 1865 and died in Easton in 1947.
He retired in 1936, serving 35 years as founding Director of the Andrew Carnegie Easton Public Library. He relentlessly advocated learning in the young people of Easton, being an English teacher first, in the Easton High School before becoming the first library director. In his directorship, he was materially responsible for the library building that opened in late 1903 and was considered a pioneer among PA Public Libraries. He was a charter member of the Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. But most of all, Henry Marx was known for having what was thought of and still may be, the most complete local history and genealogical department, covering Easton and Northampton County. One of the projects that Mr. Marx took advantage of was the WPA (Works Progress Administration, the most ambitious American New Deal started by Franklin D. Roosevelt). Even after his retirement, Mr. Marx continued to do research and help bring history and records to the library. The Marx History Room is named after Henry Forster Marx.
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